Vienna Workshop October 2015 – Deepening & Development of Internal Methods


Roy Jenzen was here for a 2 day workshop in Vienna on October 10/11 2015.



We are happy to welcome a senior student of Roy Jenzen and our longtime companion on the martial way from Brighton (UK) for a workshop weekend in Vienna!

For advanced students only!

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Porto International Workshop 09-14


Der letzte große internationale Workshop in Europa 2014 fand Ende September in einer wunderschönen Halle der Tourismusschule Porto statt. Unter den 40 Teilnehmern aus Österreich, England, Tschechien und Deutschland waren auch einige Teilnehmer aus Portugal. Dadurch lag der Fokus auf den “Fundamentals”: Structure, Breath, Standing, Walking sowie die Grundformen der 5 Animals.

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Brighton 09-2014

Brighton Bone Marrow Washing Sept.2014 261

The washing (of the) marrow – xi sui jing – an amazing set to clean your internal and to strengthen the external body. Casually it was a lovely late summer weekend in Brighton…

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It is with pleasure that I welcome the forming of viennaintent, the Austrian branch of the School for the Study of Daoist Health & Martial Method, based in Western Australia.
This school is dedicated to the study and preservation of original Daoist methods of self cultivation and development, including ‚Neigong‘ (inner strength and connective skill), classical ‚Qigong‘, and the internal martial systems of Xingyi and Bagua.
viennaintent is a gathering of senior and experienced practitioners of this method who are dedicated to their on-going development yet also to sharing their knowledge and their skills with those who wish to enter into this transforming work.
This work has innate and profound benefits to the health and well being of those who choose to enter into it, and seems particularly relevant in the modern world, offering access to ancient wisdom and innate methods of self cultivation and empowerment.

I am more than happy to honour the dedication of viennaintent by giving my blessing and on-going support to them.

Roy Jenzen
founder of the ‚School for the Study of Daoist Health & Martial Method‘, doctor of classical Chinese medicine,

We walk the walk before we talk the talk
